What are the multiple health benefits of Raw Honey?

What are the multiple health benefits of Raw Honey?

Do you know what is Raw Honey? Reading What are the multiple health benefits of Raw Honey? 1 minute Next Behind the Scenes

Honey was cited as a sweetener in writings which date back as far as … 2100 B.C. In ancient Egypt, pots with drawings of beehives, bees and beekeepers have been found in Pharaoh’s temple.

As part of their purification rituals, Persian priests would put honey on their tongues and hands. In ancient Greece, the dead body of Alexander the Great was embalmed in honey, a symbol of endurance in life as in death.

For the Hebrew people, honey symbolizes freedom and abundance in the new-found land.

All these ancient civilizations had understood the wondrous value of the Golden elixir.